Creating Hope - Oasis 4Humanity

Creating Hope

Creating Hope Our brain is such an amazing and intriguing structure. Our powerful brain with its incredible and endless potential is the main source of aiding us through pain, struggles, difficulties and disappointments. For instance, hope is something that our brain creates. Hope is not something that you are born with or miraculously has granted…

Dr. Iraniha - It’s time for unity, peace and equality

It’s time for unity, peace and equality.

It’s time for unity, peace and equality. It’s time for unity, peace and equality. Let’s put aside our superficial differences, our color, race, gender, religion and political beliefs. We can’t allow those differences define us as who we are as a human being, what we represent in this world and what we contribute to this…

I Am Still Grateful By Andrew Iraniha

I Am Still Grateful!

I Am Still Grateful! I need to just observe now, not focus on the past and question why it happened and heighten my frustration and anger, not read through the projections and predictions and by giving these information too much value, raise my anxiety and fear. I just need to be observant for now, try…

In the heart of every sad story lies a positive one

In the heart of every sad story lies a positive one

In the heart of every sad story lies a positive one by Dr. Iraniha It’s really hard to believe how people around the world are suffering due to new outbreak of corona virus. But the positive side of this incredibly devastating situation is the emergence of essence of humanity, compassion, connection, care and kindness among…

No one is perfect

No one is perfect

No one is perfect. No one is perfect. Being hardheaded and stubborn and thinking that our way is the only way, is one of the worst characteristics of a human being. I think understanding that we are not perfect and wanting to be the best version of ourselves, allows us to honor every day as…